President Donald Trump's Twitter Rants About Obamacare, Shows His Continued Frustration!

This is exactly how life is supposed to be! You would recall how unreasonably critical Donald Trump was to President Barack Obama. And to make the matter worse, American media giant FOX News led and gave support to his unprovoked relentless attack on President Obama and his government. You know what? President Trump is reaping what he sowed. 
His frustration looks to be becoming unbecoming! Mr. Trump's unequivocal resolve to repeal and replace the United States Affordable Care Act introduced and named after the 44th president, Barack Obama seems to be giving him sleepless nights, I hope the way he is going about it will not one day be viewed as breaking the law, if he continues to sabotage the health care act. 
Look at his latest tweets about Obamacare! Despite not getting the necessary support from the opposition party, Trump continues to fight on and his fiery new tweets he says, 'ObamaCare is torturing the American People.The Democrats have fooled the people long enough. Repeal or Repeal & Replace! I have pen in hand'.
