Strike A Pose! ‘Coolest Gorilla Of All Time’ Puts Supermodels To Shame

Strike a pose! Is this the coolest gorilla of all time?
Posing up: Is this the coolest gorilla of all time? (Picture: imgur/Friendly_Musician)
It is almost certain that this gorilla really is the king of the swingers – the jungle VIP.
Posted on image hosting site Imgur, the picture shows a primate with poise alongside the caption ‘You sexy motherf***er’.
Holding his hand to his hip, the gorilla clearly knows how to show off his best side – complete with a pout to camera.
‘This is the coolest gorilla of all time!’ remarked one poster.
The sexy beast’s location is unknown, but with attitude like that it’s likely to be somewhere swanky.
We really do wanna be like him.
