Chinese Doctors Grow Girl 'New' Face On Her BREAST And Allow Her To Smile Once Again!
A TEENAGE GIRL left badly disfigured from a fire has had a new face grown on her BREAST.
Xu Jianmei, 17, woke up following an operation in the Chinese city of Fuzhou to find she once again had a chin, eyelids and an ear.
However the girl said the best moment came when she realised she could smile properly for the first time in over a decade after being seriously burned when she was just five.
The amazing procedure follows a similar operation which took place last month when a group of doctors were able to give a car crash victim a new nose by first growing it on his forehead.
Doctors offered to perform the pioneering operation on the girl free of charge.
The surgical team built her a new face using a blood vessel from her leg and ballon to expand her skin.
It took months for the new face to grow to the right size to cover her missing features.
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