Republican Protesters Sing, ‘Bye Bye Black Sheep’, Hold Racist Signs ‘Impeach The Half-White Muslim’

Protesters gathered from both sides of the political spectrum outside of the venue where President Obama was speaking in Phoenix, Arizona on Tuesday. While the crowd was populated largely with Obama supporters, his opponents yelled out racially charged derogatory statements. While their racism was on display for the world to witness, one woman actually blamed President Obama for racial tensions.

Protester claims it's Obama's fault he can't work with Congress.
Protester claims it’s Obama’s fault he can’t work with Congress.

The Arizona Republic reports:

Obama foes at one point sang, “Bye Bye Black Sheep,” a derogatory reference to the president’s skin color, while protesters like Deanne Bartram raised a sign saying, “Impeach the Half-White Muslim!”

The Huffington Post reports:

The Republic reported that hundreds of people gathered outside Desert Vista High School as Obama unveiled a plan to overhaul the nation’s mortgage finance system. Some protesters came from Obama’s left, urging him to reject the Keystone XL oil pipeline and take other actions on climate change.
But a prevailing theme among many in the protest appeared to be issues of race. Some even suggested that Obama himself was to blame for racial tensions.
“We have gone back so many years,” Judy Burris told the Republic, arguing 

Obama had taken the nation back to pre-Civil Rights era levels of racism. “He’s divided all the races. I hate him for that.”
Others carried signs calling for Obama to be impeached, Tucson News Now reported, though despite the negativity, the majority of those in attendance were Obama fans.
One 77 year-old male protester shouted, “He’s 47 percent Negro.”
Another yelled out, “Joe Arpaio for President!”
Any minute now someone will say we’re playing the ‘race card.’ Republicans need to rethink their GOP outreach efforts which so far, have failed abysmally.
