Australia Spots Objects Part Of The Malaysia Missing Jet!

Australia’s prime minister said Thursday that two objects that may be related to a missing Malaysia Airlines passenger jet have been spotted in the southern Indian Ocean.
Prime Minister Tony Abbott told the Australian Parliament in Canberra that “new and credible information has come to light” on the search for Malaysia Airlines flight 370, with images of two objects gleaned from satellite imagery.
Australia’s maritime security agency said one Australian and one American surveillance planes had already arrived in the area where the objects were spotted, with two more planes expected to reach the area later in the early evening.
One object was roughly 80 feet long, while there was another smaller object, and “a number of other images in the general area of the biggest one,” he said.
“The indication to me is of objects that are a reasonable size and probably awash with water, bobbing up and down on the surface,” he said.
