#A Nigerian Man Who Scaled White House Fence Wednesday 22nd Oct. Got Lynched By Two American Secret Service Dogs!

Angry Dominic Adesanya
The United State's Secret Service has finally done something right.
The Secret men  and their dogs stopped a 23-year-old man who scaled the White House fence Wednesday, about a month after another trespasser managed to make it all the way inside the presidential mansion, according to nypost.

The agents unleashed two Secret Service canines, who quickly attacked Dominic Adesanya of Bel Air, Md., on the North Lawn of the White House after he allegedly tried to climb the fence at around 7:15 p.m.

Adesanya angrily fought back against the dogs — punching, kicking and body-slamming the feisty pooches — before the agents descended on him.
The interloper was unarmed, a Secret Service spokesman said. Charges were pending Wednesday night.

Adesanya was taken to a local hospital and the two dogs were taken to a vet for injuries sustained during the pummeling they took from the fence-climber.

An Instagram image posted Tuesday by Adesanya contains the message “ImpeachObama.”

Read More; http://nypost.com/2014/10/22/man-jumped-white-house-fence-and-the-dogs-got-him/

