#Whole Family Paralysed After Eating Deadly Puffer Fish!

Pufferfish poison is 1,200 times deadlier than cyanide (Picture: Getty Images)
What fish do you like to eat? Personally, I thought every other fish out there is edible. Am wrong!

According to a story in the metro, eleven members of the same family are in critical condition in hospital after accidentally cooking and eating a poisonous puffer fish.

The Souza family, from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, were given the fish as a gift by a family friend who had just returned from a fishing expedition.
But only seconds after taking their first bite of the fish, family members began to throw up, before losing all feeling in their face, arms and legs.

‘My husband was the first to say he couldn’t feel his tongue, then his face, and then his arms. Then his legs went dead and he couldn’t stand up any more. It was terrifying,’ said Cristiane Souza.

‘My brother-in-law was the same. He didn’t even make it out the door. We had to carry them out and rush them to hospital in a car.’

The family had no idea that what they were eating was a deadly pufferfish, which contains a toxin 1,200 times more lethal than cyanide – a drop of which can kill in under 24 hours.

Read More; http://metro.co.uk/2014/10/25/whole-family-paralysed-after-eating-deadly-pufferfish-4921012/
