#Chadian President IIdriss Derby Now Confirmed As Major Sponsor Of Boko Haram In Nigeria!

Nigeria President GEJ & IIdriss Derby Of Chad during one of GEJ's Visit For Talks On Boko Haram
Cameroonian investigative journalist, Bisong Etahoben, tweeted yesterday that a close confidant of Chadian President IIdriss Derby, Mahamat Gnoti was arrested on Nov. 17th on the Chadian-Sudan border with arms meant for Boko Haram.

Gnoti then claimed that he was sent to procure the arms and deliver it to people in Nigeria by Chadian president himself, Idris Derby.

Derby is the same person who tried to negotiate the release of Chibok girls with Boko Haram on behalf of the Nigerian government.

He also recently negotiated a botched and kangarooed ceasefire not too long ago which Boko Haram took advantage of to take over territories in the North East Nigeria, including the home town of the Nigerian army Chief's and Chibok Village.
