#Moderate Jungle Justice In Chile; Thief Stripped And Strapped To A Lamppost!

A mob dished out some very sweaty justice to an alleged thief who was spotted attempting to rob a pensioner with a knife – he was stripped naked, then wrapped head to foot in clingfilm and tied to a lamppost, metro.co.uk reported.

People took photographs as 32-year-old Valentino Abeyta Barrera sweltered in Chilean capital Santiago’s 27-degree heat, with his underpants around his ankles.

He was left for 20 minutes before police arrived – and the alleged thief refused to explain why he was there, begging the police to free him.

The photographs stirred up discussion online about vigilante justice – and Barrera was freed, as his alleged victim did not make a complaint to police

One commenter, Daniela Montoya Pazo said: ‘They just had to arrest him, not beat him. This kind of things put us at the same level as the criminals
