ISIS Downs A United State.-Led Coalition Pilot

ISIS has made it's first big strike since the United States led international coalition began airstrikes against it, they succeeded in bringing down a coalition pilot and has taken captive.
The captured F-16 pilot is Moaz al-Kasasbeh, a member of Jordan's military, according to his uncle, retired Jordanian Maj. Gen. Fahd al-Kasasbeh. Al-Kasasbeh's capture is a frightening reminder that it could have been any pilot downed and taken, including one from the United States which is flying F-16s in the area, too.
A source in Jordan's armed forces said that the pilot was downed carrying out a mission Wednesday around the northern Syrian city of Raqqa, which ISIS controls and has made its de facto capital, according to Jordan's official PETRA news agency. cnn
