Is This Gonna Be The Beginning Of An All Time War With Russia? United.States Intelligence Official Are Backing Arming Ukraine Forces Against Russia

No, from my own assessment  it's not going to be an all time war with Russia, because after all Russia is arming Syria against the wish of United State and her allies. 
The top U.S. intelligence official said Thursday that he supports arming Ukrainian forces against Russian-backed separatists, as the Obama administration continues deliberations about whether to deepen involvement in a conflict pitting the West against Russian President Vladi­mir Putin, according to Washingtonpost 

James R. Clapper Jr., the director of national intelligence, said providing weapons to Ukraine would likely trigger a “negative reaction” from the Russian government, which Western officials are hoping will ensure that separatists stick to a European-brokered cease-fire that took effect this month.

“It could potentially further remove the very thin fig leaf of their position that they have not been involved in Ukraine,” Clapper told members of the Senate Armed Services Committee, adding that Russia could respond by sending more sophisticated weapons to separatist .........Read More @ Washingtonpost
