Regular Sex Is ‘A Miracle Cure’, Say Doctors!

This piece of information is not just for the forth coming val's day, but as a regular and consistent thing for the sake of your health.
Listen; Regular exercise like having sex and dancing are ‘miracle cures staring us in the face’, UK LEADING doctors have said.
Some of the country’s top medical professionals at the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges examined existing evidence into the benefits of exercise as part of a new review for the UK health service.

And doctors concluded that 30 minutes of exercise – including sex, walking and dancing – performed five times per week would dramatically lower our risk of contracting cancer, dementia, HEART DISEASE and diabetes.
The risk of getting HEART DISEASE would be slashed by up to 40 percent, stroke and dementia by 30 percent and breast cancer by 25 percent, the report found. Bowel cancer rates would be cut by nearly half.
The report said that getting Britons to exercise for just 2.5 hours total per week could save the UK health service billions each year, reports.
