Judy Mozes, an Israeli talk-show host and the wife of the country’s interior minister, tweeted a racist joke about President Barack Obama on Sunday morning. She tweeted a joke asking what colour President Obama's coffee is? and even went further to answered the question she self, saying, ''black and weak'', as in the tweet above. I wonder where her credibility is right now and that of her husband's political career.
She has since deleted the tweet and tweeted her apology as seen below, according to her twitter handle and even followed up with more regretful tweets.
Her joke comes at a very difficult time in the life of US/Israeli diplomatic relationship, as US under President Obama seems to have a different policy on Israeli security concern with the Palestinians. You would recall that President Obama at the moment is not in the best of relationship with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu considering the fact that the later accepted an invitation to address US Congress a few months ago without Obama's knowledge.
However, political and diplomatic watchers seems to play down the damage the recent tweet could cause in the already stained relationship.
Sorry if I caused any offence to anyone. I hope I will stay married when my husband will land and hear what I did.
President Obama I shouldnt have written the inappropriate joke I heard. I like people no matter about their race and religion.
I apologize, that wasA stupid joke somebody told me.
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