23 Reasons Your Laptop Is Better Than A Boyfriend Or Girlfriend - Metro Uk

According to metro.co.uk, relationships come and go, but the internet is forever.  Feeling a bit concerned about the amount of time you spend in the default position of slouching in bed, laptop open?Don’t stress. Being single and in love with your laptop is significantly more f ulfilling than any romantic relationship. Here’s why.
1. A laptop’s just as good for snuggling as any significant other
Its warm glow on your lap beats actual human contact and body warmth any day.
2. It’ll never judge you for your internet searches
Mid-afternoon ‘am I dying?’ search? No problem.
3. Or for spending hours stalking your ex on social media
No boyfriend or girlfriend would helpfully suggest your ex’s last name as you’re typing in the Facebook search bar.
4. And will indulge all your worst habits
Sometimes you need to spend an absurd amount of money shopping on Asos.
Your laptop will help and support you, without all of that ‘being a responsible adult’ nonsense.
