Are Men And Women More Equal In The Boardroom Than In The Bedroom Or What? - By Frank Uche Dibia

There has been calls from all quarters to all nations in almost all spheres of life to accord women the same rights as men in all there is in life. Yet not much has been said about the sexual aspect of equality between men and women. For generations now, female sexuality is said to be passive and male sexuality active.This from experience in today's world is a complete nonsense.
The notion that female sexuality depends on men for activation meaning that women need men to show how good their bodies are, is complete bollocks. It is often said that men are the head and the women always depend on men on the grounds that both sexes are  fundamentally too opposite to be equal.
Just yesterday PEN maker Bic provoked the public in the social media after they made a Facebook post to mark women's day in South Africa. The message pictured a smiling woman in an office attire next to the words; ''Look like a girl, Act like a lady, Think like a man, Work like a boss.'' It all shows how far men has gone in reducing women to the barest minimum as again equal partners inhabiting the earth.
There is a popular saying, ''what's in a man's mind?'' and there is non saying what's in a woman's mind?. How did men come to this assertion that something in a man's mind is not or could not be in a woman's mind. To make things worse, the female folks themselves present themselves as object of men's sexual satisfaction  and to entice and seduce men to achieve a goal. This is one aspect of the female life that needs to be worked on seriously
I was watching an adult movie the other day and saw a dog having sex with a woman and at a point the dog's penis got stocked in the woman's vagina. It was a tug of war that lasted for up to another ten minutes before they were separated by a hand full of men pulling the dog and the woman in different directions. That made me ask a nasty question but for coming to terms that that girl was probably been exploited and abused.
Yes, in as much as the female folks need to get gripe of themselves asap to stand up to this form of abuses, various governments all over the world should do their bits in form of legislation to checkmate all forms of female sexual abuse. There should be a global action as there is in fighting terror, against female sexual inequality. This will go along way in redeeming our ''other half'' if I may say and help liberate women more in the bedroom just like in the boardroom.
The other day I saw a slogan written on a wall of a public building, that read; ''if you love me, don't harm my sister and please let her express herself''.
Equality should have no exception. Give a woman pen and not penis........! 
Frank Uche Dibia Is A Blogger, Political Adviser,
Social Commentator and Economic & Public Policy Analyst
