Meet 9 Young People Who Are Changing The World

If you think that being young is a barrier to making a difference - then think again. Take a look at these 9 incredible individuals who have turned their passions into actions - on a large scale. And the exciting thing? This is just scratching the surface.
Aged just 19, Boyan Slat has a remarkable vision for cleaning oceans that have been decimated by rubbish. Slat devised a way to recover waste plastic by the ton every month using floating nets attached to sea bed.
Takyiwa Danso, aged 22, VSO volunteer; Takyiwa volunteered with VSO International Citizen Service in Kenya. Since returning to the UK she has spoken at an event at Parliament about the role young people can play in international development. She says:
“I was privileged enough to share my volunteering experience at a reception in Parliament. In an age where young people often struggle to get their voices heard and find an audience to truly listen to them, I was able to represent my generation in a positive light, dispelling the notions of youth being disengaged from the politics. Read Full Article @VSO
