MUST READ! { ADULT WOMEN} A Healthy Vagina Is A Healthy Woman; Vaginal Infections – How It Affects Your Daily Life

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Are you suffering from occasional or chronic vaginal infections that are interfering with your ability to live a full, normal and active life?

Are you frustrated by the lack of information and support available for these types of conditions? If so, you are certainly not alone.
There are literally millions of women who suffer silently with these very common, yet embarrassing infections, making it difficult for them to live as they would like and enjoy all the things they want to do.
What’s even more frustrating is that the subject of vaginal infections is one that still remains rather taboo and unspoken about in our society, despite what doctors now know about the various causes of these infections and their promising potential for treatment.
In this article we will briefly explain the various causes and symptoms of vaginal infections and discuss how these symptoms can negatively impact your ability to live a normal life if left untreated.

Causes and Symptoms of Vaginal Infections

Perhaps one of the reasons that vaginal infections are rarely discussed is that most people associate these infections with another taboo subject in our society:  sexually transmitted diseases.
This is unfortunate, because, while it’s true that a very small percentage of vaginal infections can be transmitted sexually, the majority of these infections are not contracted in this manner, and when diagnosed correctly they are very treatable.
Vaginal infections can be caused by an overgrowth of fungus, as with vaginal yeast infections; a proliferation of badbacteria, as with bacterial vaginosis; or by a protozoan or parasite, as with the infection trichomoniasis.
Generally, only the parasite-based infections are transmitted sexually, although there are certain bacterial infections such as Chlamydia that can also be transferred sexually.
Some of the symptoms of vaginal infections include :
  • Itching
  • Redness and Irritation
  • Soreness
  • Vaginal discharge
  • Unpleasant odor
Diagnosis and treatment of vaginal infections is not always easy, as many of these infections share the very same symptoms.

Vaginal Infections and Your Daily Life

The symptoms of vaginal infections can affect almost every aspect of your daily life. When coping with the soreness, itch and vaginal discharge associated with these infections, you may find it difficult to concentrate on work, which can in turn affect your overall productivity.
Family responsibilities can also suffer when dealing with vaginal infections, because it’s almost impossible to concentrate on the needs of others when your mind is focused and preoccupied with uncomfortable vaginal symptoms.
You may also have the tendency to avoid social situations due to the discomfort and embarrassment you feel, and the constant itch may even make it difficult to sleep. Collectively, these symptoms can have a life-altering effect until you seek the proper treatment.
The physical symptoms of vaginal infections are only a small part of the overall effect they can have on your life. These infections can also have an indirect effect, possibly making you feel embarrassed and lonely, and because the subject is difficult to talk about, you may even begin to isolate yourself.
This can lead to unnecessary and undue stress and even mild depression – two factors that can play a major role in the development of other potentially serious health conditions.
To avoid this stress, isolation and inability to meet your daily responsibilities, it is extremely important that you seek treatment at the first sign of symptoms. This is not a time to be bashful and embarrassed. Be open and honest with your physician, filling them in on each of the various ways you are being affected by your symptoms, both directly and indirectly.
Vaginal infections are very treatable, and once the condition is properly dealt with, your doctor can provide a number of helpful tips on how to reduce the likelihood of future infections. Source; fightagainstbv
