Oscar Pistorius, the Paralympic gold medalist who murdered his girlfriend, Reeva Steenkamp has been granted bail by Deputy President Aubrey Ledwana as he appeals his conviction for the murder.
Here Are Some Of The Bail Conditions: Oscar Pistorius will continue to be under house arrest, but able to leave his house between 7am and midday, but must let the police know in advance. Today's hearing revealed the athlete has been able to leave his house within certain hours since his release from prison in October.
• He will appeal his murder conviction in South Africa's Constitutional Court, and will update Pretoria High Court on proceedings next April.
• By then he will know whether the request to hear the appeal has been successful. If it is, the decision could take several months. If unsuccessful, he will be sentenced by the High Court. A murder conviction in South Africa is 15 years - which is what the prosecution has hinted they will seek.
• We also learnt that Pistorius has limited assets, and has been looking for work. He could not pay the initially agreed 1m rand bail, which has been reduced to 10,000 rand.Telegraph UK
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