UK Prime Minister Celebrates 10 Years Anniversary As Conservative Party Leader

UK Prime Minister Celebrates 10-Year Anniversary as Conservative Party Leader. Cameron began working for the Conservative Research Department in 1988 and was elected as Conservative Party leader at the age of 39. He assumed office on Dec. 6, 2005. 

Ten years ago the Tories picked a leader who would change the course of his party - and the country. David Camerons election on December 6, 2005, ended years in the wilderness under a parade of flops from Michael Howard to Iain Duncan Smith. Back when Tony Blair still had the keys to Number 10, his slick Tory rival was hugging hoodies and posing on glaciers vowing to save the environment, mirror UK reports.

Will the coming of Muhammadu Buhari change a thing in Nigeria? After 16 years of wanting to become president of Nigeria, finally he got the opportunity with a coalition of nearly all the opposition parties in partnership with the press and social media propaganda. I hope Nigeria and Nigerians will look back at the end of Buhari's  term and say, it worth's the wait. . 
