Israel Accuses U.N. Sec'y General Of "Encouraging Terror."

Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu charged on Tuesday that the comments of United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon "encourage terror." As reported by Agence France-Presse, Secretary General Ban told the UN Security Council of the "profound sense of alienation and despair driving some Palestinians -- especially young people" in the upsurge of attacks on Israel since the start of October, reports.

"Palestinian frustration is growing under the weight of a half century of occupation and the paralysis of the peace process." "As oppressed peoples have demonstrated throughout the ages, it is human nature to react to occupation, which often serves as a potent incubator of hate and extremism."

But Prime Minister Netanyahu asserted that the Palestinians themselves are not working for a two-state solution. "The Palestinian murderers do not want to build a state, they want to destroy a state and they say it out loud," he said. "They want to murder Jews wherever they are and they say so out loud. They do not murder for peace and they do not murder for human rights."

Another Israeli was killed by Palestinians yesterday.  This time, it was a young woman who was stabbed to death by two Palestinian men. Her death places even more pressure on Prime Minister Netanyahu and his government to protect Israel's citizens from attacks by Palestinians living in the West Bank or elsewhere in or near Israel.

But Secretary General Ban spoke of what he appeared to describe as the Palestinians' natural frustration at being occupied by Israel and that he considered it natural for them to resist. In their headline within the hour, the Times of Israel described Prime Minister Netanyahu as being "furious" at Secretary General Ban's comments. Source;
