Police In Ghana Arrests Suspect Who Killed His Two Sons And Their British Actress Mother

London police HQ, Scotland Yard yesterday said they have been "made aware of an arrest in Ghana"  of the suspect in the murder of a British actress and her two sons and that they are working alongside Ghanaian authorities to bring him back to the UK to face justice. 
The actress's body and those of her two little sons were found in shallow grave in the back garden of her London home last week. 

Arthur Simpson-Kent is wanted in connection with the murder of Sian Blake, a former actress in the popular soap opera EastEnders, and the two boys, Zachary and Amon. The family had been reported missing in mid-December.

"The suspect has been arrested by police and I can confirm his identity," a police spokesman said. "He was at a hideout in Western Region. With the kind of collaboration between the police and public that we have, we managed to nab him there." A spokesman for Interpol in Ghana said the suspect was being driven back from the port city of Takoradi to the capital Accra and would arrive late on Saturday. .Source; Reuters
