Pope Francis Takes A Last Minute Mickey Off Donald Trump As United States Goes To The Poll In Two Days!

Pope Francis Saturday made what looks like a last minute bashing of the US Republican presidential nominee, Donald Trump. Speaking to his audience during the Third World Meeting of Popular Movements at the Vatican, the pontiff warned against building 'walls', saying tyranny cannot find support without having to remind you of the people's fears. And he added, ''God does not want a life of exclusion and banishment for his children.'' 

In his words; "No tyranny finds support without tapping into our fears," Francis said.  "This is key. Hence, all tyranny is terrorist. And when this terror -- which was sown in the peripheries, with the massacres, looting, oppression and injustice -- explodes in centers with different forms of violence, even hateful and cowardly attacks, citizens who still retain some rights are tempted to the false security of physical or social walls. "Walls that enclose some and banish others. 

Walled citizens, terrified on one side, excluded, exiled, and still more terrified on the other. Is that the life that our Father God wants for their children? "Dear brothers and sisters -- all walls fall. All of them. Do not be fooled."
