According to, a mum-of-four had her fifth baby weighing 14ibs and dubbed 'Incredible Hulk' by his family, after the oversized green superhero. He wears size three nappies and some of his togs are intended for children aged 18 months old.
Mum LaQueena Hunter Grover said while she was pregnant, strangers assumed she was due to have a triplet before Loyalty Adonis' eye-watering arrival in Louisiana, USA.
“Right when the doctor was taking him out, my husband’s mouth literally just dropped. He was like: ‘That’s a big baby.' “When he was born, he was 14 pounds 1 ounce. I remember the nurse came running back and when she told me that, I swear, had I not been on the gurney already, I would’ve passed out right there when she said that.” mum said.
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