Photo Of President Muhammadu Buhari Riding Bike In London - Video

If you actually hoped to see Mr. Muhammadu Buhari on a bike, you must be joking! How come you think PMB can or will be able to mount on a bike in his bedridden condition in London hospital? Least I forget has anyone seen Buhari mark himself safe in London following the recent tragedies that occurred in his host medical tourist nation? 

Anyway, the bike rider is Emmanuel Macron, the ebullient French President, as he wears a flowing white scarf as he goes for a bike ride with his wife Brigitte in Le Touquet. Riding through the countryside wearing a stylish white scarf, Emmanuel Macron could be any Frenchman enjoying a coastal break with his loving wife. Yet the photo taken this week in Le Touquet, near Boulogne-sur-Mer, provides yet another example of how the new French president is both a 21st Century man and leader.

He was pictured riding alongside his wife Brigitte, 64, whom he first met 25 years before they married - when he was a schoolboy and she is his drama teacher. The poignant photos have emerged as Macron's party is expected to win a huge majority in the French Parliament after last week Sunday's first round of voting.
