A MUST READ: 5 Ways President Trump Has Restored American Leadership! - White House Info Mail

''President Donald J. Trump promised that putting America first would be the solemn duty of his Administration. That approach also makes for an effective foundation for U.S. leadership in the world.

Here are five accomplishments from the past year:
Destroying ISIS: The Trump Administration worked with allies to liberate territory occupied by the self-declared caliphate. In December, the Iraqi government announced all Iraqi territory had been freed from ISIS control.
Responding to Syria's use of chemical weapons: In April, the United States, the United Kingdom, and France launched strikes against targets associated with Syria's chemical weapons capabilities, responding forcefully to the Assad regime's savage attacks.
Recognizing Jerusalem as Israel's capital: President Trump followed through on his promise—and that of prior U.S. presidents—to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital. The U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem, called for by Congress since 1994, officially opened last month.
Withdrawing from the unacceptable Iran deal: The deal provided the Iranian regime with a windfall of cash to destabilize the Middle East. President Trump ended U.S. participation in the deal and directed his Administration to begin re-imposing sanctions.
Momentum for real change in North Korea: With the historic Singapore summit, President Trump took a bold first step to completely, verifiably, and irreversibly denuclearize the Korean Peninsula. Before the talks, Kim Jong Un had already released three detained Americans and appears to have closed his nuclear test site.'' - Culled from the White House Info Mail • June 15, 2018.
