By, Frank Uche Dibia.
The young man and his fiancee wedded on the sunny ember month in the year 2000 and haven decided they would like to be together for always as it is in marriage. He was happy and agreed to match his words with action. He had to match his prospective father in-law to the Catholic Cathedral to sign the paper work that would permit him Ed to take his daughter to the alter like the Catholic church demands. Thrown into the heat of married life with little or no experience of the regular duties of life as a couple, the young man had to figure out things himself as usual. Marriage dubbed the wedding of the year in and around their area as at that time, made headlines in almost all the national dailies. All of a sudden her ex-boy friend appeared to take the center stage. He even became more interested in Kate now than he has ever being. To make things a bit more polite, he was now dubbed a family friend. That was the Genesis, I mean when it all began. A few years later in a well packed funeral of a very close family relative, Ed looked in to the room where mostly Kate's family members were seated that early morning and saw Kate right on his lap with his hands around her waist.
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