The President of United States visited some selected African countries the second time in his Presidency recently without even a transit stop in Nigeria. In the days preceding the visit, a lot was said as ''WHY PRESIDENT OBAMA WILL NOT VISIT NIGERIA''.
In as much as President Obama may have personal and policy reasons not to visit Nigeria for now, reasons I would imagine ranges from corruption to insecurity and in general bad leadership. President Obama has a moral, heritage and every other reason other than against to visit Nigeria. For instance; Nigeria is championing the war on terror in Africa, peace keeping and most of all, as is often said, ''is the most populous black Nation in the world'' and with out missing words, could be the next UNITED STATES the world might see in time not too far from now. regardless of the doom predictions coming out of CIA HQ most recently.
To have the first ever United States President of African descent who in his 8 year term did not visit Nigeria, will always come to hunt him and he will never have that opportunity again in life. Nigeria, the most pro western life country in Africa as a whole, needs to partner more with United States to consolidate on it's hold on western values and help defeat religious extremists and terror.
Democracy I believe should be people oriented and develop overtime, with Nigeria looking up to United States in her model of democracy than her former colonial master (BRITAIN).There is a general temptation of pushing Nigeria nearer to MOSCOW and BEIJING and far, far away from WASHINGTON if at the end of Obama's 8 years in office as the first ever United States President of Black African descent, he did not visit Nigeria. Permit me to rest my case.........! Don't kill the messenger.
Frank Uche Dibia
A Blogger, Political Analyst, Social Commentator.
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Twitter: Ouchfrandib
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