Doreen  Lawrence, the mother of the racially murdered black British teenager, Stephen Lawrence has been confirmed a ''BARONESS'' in the British house of Lords. Doreen is now to be known as Baroness Doreen Lawrence. Wonders shall never end! Just a few weeks ago, Doreen was on the neck of the British government, calling for a public inquiry to be set up to look into the allegation by a whistle blower that the British police who were investigating her son's murder case was at the same spying on her and her family looking for anything at all to aid them in discharging the case, thereby protecting the white boys that were alleged to have racially murdered her son Lawrence.
Scotland yard was in shock and disarray by that revelation and was gearing up for heads to roll as a result of the embarrassment caused by the leak. It has been a very difficult couple weeks for the government too, because the revelation opened the loophole in the government claim that racism has been stamped out in various government institutions. For Scotland yard to be accused of this level of racism, means that there is still a very long way to go on the fight against racism. The government employed a lot of rhetorics looking for a way out of the ugly embarrassment caused by this revelation.
If it were to be in the Arabian, it would be tagged ''BLOOD MONEY''.
Anyway. I wish to congratulate Baroness Doreen Lawrence on her well deserved honour as a member of the highly prestigious British house of Lords. And I will only hope she remain out spoken as she has always been before and after the revelation and not to succumb to being silenced by this extra ordinary honour from the Blue. The honour is too juicy to be turned down.
May the soul of the departed rest in peace Amen.
