The rate of obesity in United States is now getting to an alarming state. Though I have not yet been to USA, but news and research coming out of America in the light of the above is something to be seriously worried about. Recent figures shows that almost one in five American now die of obesity related ill health or condition.
This is very very alarming and experts have warned it could lead to a decline in USA life expectancy. Recent research has it that up to 8% of Americans will be affected by one form of obesity related ill health or the other against 5% as earlier predicted come the year 2023. While obesity is on the decline in the older population in America, the number of overweight young people is on a record high.
Dr Ryan Master, the research reporter said ''obesity has dramatically worse health consequences than some recent report have led us to believe''. Children born in America nowadays are growing up in an environment where obesity is seen to be the norm than those of yesteryear's. The size of burger in America is getting too 'KING' every day, while that of 'Mc' is getting 'Donalds'. Every other food out there are getting jumbo and FIZZY has been nicknamed 'power drink'.
The resultant effect are been seen in the increase in the sizes of bums, boobs, shoes and dresses of all kinds. It is usually easier to get obese, but very very difficult to revers. American Parents should read the handwriting on the wall before it is too late. The best snack is fruit if you want your children to grow up healthy and avoid this ugly trend in United Sates today.
Frank Uche Dibia is a Blogger, Political Adviser,
Social Commentator and Economic & Public Policy Analyst.
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