World Risks 'Historic Mistake' On Iran, Warns Netanyahu!
Talks resume in Geneva for the first time in six months today with expectations high for a compromise deal that could see Britain, America and other Western countries abandon crushing sanctions in return for Tehran accepting strict controls on its atomic facilities. Iran’s chief negotiator even suggested yesterday that a “road map” for a peaceful solution to the impasse could be agreed by tomorrow.
But Mr Netanyahu warned that it was only the crippling economic pressure of sanctions that had forced Iran back to the negotiating table in the first place and that it would be foolish to relax them now. “It would be a historic mistake to ease the pressure on Iran a moment before the sanctions achieve their objective,” he said. “Particularly at this moment we must not give up on them, we must keep up the pressure.”
Any move to let up would strengthen Iran’s “uncompromising elements” around the supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who would be “perceived as the winner”, Mr Netanyahu said.
Mohammad Zarif, Iran’s foreign minister and chief negotiator, is expected to present the five permanent members of the UN Security Council plus Germany, the so-called P5+1, with new terms at today’s talks,
He said he wanted a road map to a deal set within the two-day timeframe of the latest round of negotiations.
“Tomorrow is the start of a difficult and relatively time-consuming way forward. I am hopeful that by Wednesday we can reach agreement on a road map to find a path towards resolution,” Mr Zarif said in a message posted on his Facebook page. “I will present Iran’s proposal in the opening session and then my colleagues will carry on the talks. But even with the goodwill of the other side, to reach agreement on details and start implementation will likely require another meeting at ministerial level.”
While playing down expectations of a full-scale deal ahead of the talks, a senior US official said Washington was ready to reduce sanctions in response to Iranian concessions.
John Kerry, the US secretary of state, signalled his hopes for progress in an overnight speech to a pro-Israel conference in the US.
“Right now, the window for diplomacy is cracking open. But I want you to know that our eyes are open, too,” Mr Kerry said. “While we seek a peaceful resolution to Iran’s nuclear programme, words must be matched with actions. In any engagement with Iran, we are mindful of Israel’s security needs. We are mindful of the need for certainty, transparency, and accountability in the process. And I believe firmly that no deal is better than a bad deal.”
The talks will be the first since the June election of President Hassan Rouhani, who wants to improve Iranian relations with the West and secure the removal of punitive sanctions.
Experts believe there is a good chance the Iranians could secure some safeguarded nuclear production on its territory if it accepted measures to prevent it developing a nuclear bomb. “It’s pretty clear that Iran will have to be allowed some degree of enrichment,” said Mark Fitzpatrick, a director at the International Institute for Strategic Studies. “But the enrichment has to be limited.”
Any Iranian compromise package is likely to be based on reducing the output of nuclear plants but not outright closures, even of the Fordow plant which was illegally developed outside the United Nations inspections regime. Fordow is doubly suspect as it has been built under a mountain.
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