Tourist Walks Off Pier While Checking Facebook (But Holds Onto Her Phone!)

A WOMAN so distracted by checking Facebook on her phone walked off the end of a pier and into the ocean.
facebook, app, tourist, woman, melbourne, australia, pier, fallsENGROSSED: The woman couldn't take her eyes off her Facebook app before plunging into the ocean [ALAMY]
The tourist in Melbourne, Australia, had to be rescued by police after she plunged into the freezing cold water, having been completely engrossed in her Facebook feed.
Witnesses called out for help and the Taiwanese woman, who can't swim, was found flailing around in the water about 65ft from the pier.
Senior Constable Dean Kelly of the state water police said that the woman was found STILL clinging on to her mobile phone.
He said: "She was still out in the water lying on her back in a floating position because she told us later that she couldn't swim.
"She still had her mobile phone in her hand and initially she apologized and said sorry."
Kelly warned of the dangers of ignoring the world around you when using social media apps.
He added: "With Facebook, or social media in general as far as we're concerned, if you're anywhere near the water just pay attention.
"Especially if you can't swim."
The woman was taken to a hospital for treatment.
