A PREGNANT fitness fanatic refused to give up her exercise regime and lifted heavy weights just days before her baby was born.
Meghan Umphres Leatherman was still pumping weights as part of her gruelling fitness regime – that also combines gymnastics and cardio – when she was close to give birth and already 1cm dilated.
The 33-year-old from Arizona, USA, was even lifting weights on the day she went into labour, having already broken records in the final days of her pregnancy.
Meghan insists her exercises – which also included walking her dog for three miles every day and going through a four-mile hike through the mountains every week – weren't a danger to her unborn baby, and maintains that they made pregnancy EASIER and her baby healthier.
And now, after giving birth to baby girl Florence Germaine earlier this month, she is raring to get back to the gym in less than a MONTH.
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