#Ebola Air Scare In The US: Second Infected Nurse Flew On Frontier Airlines The Day Before She Was Hospitalized & This Was While She Was In Quarantine

Nawaooooo....., I thought this can only happen in Nigeria and Africa. The second nurse to be diagnosed with Ebolain Texas United State, flew home to her family while being monitored by the CDC and was on a flight from Cleveland, Ohio, to Dallas just one day before she was hospitalized with the deadly disease.

Now, the Centers for Disease Control are trying to track down all 132 passengers who were aboard Frontier Airlines Flight 1143 on Monday with Ms Vinson over fears they could all have been exposed to the virus. 

Everyone who was on board the plane is asked to call 1-800-CDC-INFO (1-800-232-4636) so that they can be interviewed by CDC doctors to determine who is at risk for possible exposure to Ebola. 

Ms Vinson, 29, was one of the 76 medical workers from Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital who treated Thomas Eric Duncan, the Ebola 'patient zero,' and was told she was at risk for exposure to the disease.

The fact that she traveled across the country on commercial airlines within the 21-day incubation period for Ebola calls into question what guidance, if any, the CDC offered to the dozens of people who may still be carrying the virus, uk dailymail reports.
