#Ebola Scare In Lewisham Hospital London

It was reported that a man arrived at a London hospital fearing he had the deadly Ebola virus after travelling to Britain from Sierra Leone two weeks ago.

The man walked into Lewisham hospital with suspected Ebola on Saturday night and was put into isolation - but an insider says he was allowed to use a communal toilet and even received visitors.
Sources told The Sun Newspapers that some staff refused to go near the man, who was reportedly allowed visitors and the used of communal toilet.
 Though the man was later found not to have the deadly virus, but the insider said: 'the hospital was totally unprepared. Staff were panicking and scared for their safety.'  The source claimed hospital staff only have 'aprons, masks and flimsy surgical gloves' rather than the bio-protection suits used in the drill, the dailymail reported.
Reports of the incident contrast with the well-organised response shown in a training exercise carried out on the same day (pictured). 
