#Facebook, Apple Offers To Freeze Female Employees Eggs To Delay Their Motherhood For Longer Career!

Is this a good-news or human exploitation? Apple & Facebook have now offered to help their female employees extend their fertility/biological clock by freezing their eggs in case they choose to delay their desire to have children/family.

These technology giants are already in the business of intruding in our personal lives online, and now here they are offering to manage the fertility of their female staff.
Both companies are offering the women who work for them up to $20,000 (£12,500) to go through ocyte-cryopreservation, effectively allowing them to delay motherhood until later in their careers. It is a physically demanding process, involving daily hormone injections for more than a week, and can often leave women feeling sore.
The hope is that helping female staff to harvest their eggs whilst they are young will free them up to focus on their careers without having to worry about their dwindling fertility. It will, in the words of Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook’s chief operating officer, enable them to “lean in”: to be as ambitious as they like, rather than having to dumb-down their career choices to accommodate motherhood.
Read More; https://uk.finance.yahoo.com/news/why-welcome-facebook-offer-freeze-063550376.html
