#Another Legit Nigger Killing License; When Will US Police Stop Killing Young Black Boys Over Nothing But Racism!

It now seems a norm and happens every now & then. Just hear about one, before the noise goes down in a couple of days the next one will happen. The other day we posted a document titled ''legit nigger hunting license'' found in an elderly white guys apartment in the US State of Missouri, this incessant killing of young black boys in United States could well be another legit nigger killing license, you never know!
A police officer is under investigation after shooting dead a 12-year-old boy who pulled a replica gun from the waistband of his trousers in a playground, uk.news.yahoo.com reported.

Tamir Rice passed away in the early hours of Sunday in Cleveland, Ohio, the day after he was shot while holding the airsoft gun - which resembles a semi-automatic handgun but fires pellets.

According to the report, a 911 call was made to Cleveland Police shortly before 3.30pm on Saturday by a caller who told dispatchers twice that the gun was "probably fake". In the recording, he says: "There is a guy with a pistol ... It’s probably fake, but he’s pointing it at everybody."

Towards the end, he adds: "You know it's probably fake, but it's scaring the **** out of everyone."
Deputy chief of police Ed Tomba said one officer fired twice after the boy pulled the "fake weapon" - which did not have the orange safety indicator usually found on the muzzle of replicas.

He said that the boy did not make any verbal threats but grabbed the replica handgun after being told to raise his hands.
