#ISIS Gives Advise On How To Be A Good Jihadi Wife

The dreaded Islamic group ISIS seems to have a special advise for their wife's. In a story that was originally carried by a British newspaper and now echoed by nypost, ISIS’s new media wing, The Zora Foundation, is doling out advice to jihadist spouses — ­instructing them on how to be “good wives of jihad,”

The group’s marriage-minded message is being shared through social media, with videos and posts on how women can contribute to the cause by commandeering bloodless business like cooking and first aid.

“It’s kind of a guideline on how to be a good supporter of jihad and have the best role in supporting ‘your mujahideen’ [jihadist] as a woman,” Charlie Winter, a researcher at the Quilliam Foundation, told The Independent.

Read More; http://nypost.com/2014/11/01/isis-media-wings-tips-on-how-to-be-a-good-jihadi-wife/
