#Woman Charged With Bestiality After Police Found Dog Sex Videos On Her Mobile!

A 25-year-old woman has been charged with bestiality after police found three shocking videos of her having sex with a dog on her mobile phone.

Jenna Louise Driscoll was originally being investigated for drug trafficking when officers searched her phone and reportedly discovered a number of shocking videos.

Driscoll, 25, is alleged to have appeared in three videos saved on her mobile phone that reportedly show her having sex with a dog.

The alleged videos were only discovered after police began investigating Driscoll for drugs and officers searched her phone for evidence of dealing.

In August, an American woman was arrested in Albuquerque, New Mexico, on suspicion of having sex with dogs and then trying to poison the woman who owns them. Shari Knight, 53, is accused of sexually assaulting Spike and Jake, the dogs that belong to her room mate Beverley Bradley.
