Can You Put Smile On Someone's Face Today? WOW! Generous Diner Gives Waiter $25,000 To Help Him Smile

A generous diner left his waiter a massive tip so that he could buy himself new teeth. Fred Boettcher gave Brian Maixner $25,000 to allow him to fix his teeth which had suffered severe dental decay.
Despite the decay, Maixner always had a smile on his face, according to local reports, but Boettcher, an attorney, said he wanted to help. He told KWCH: ‘I took one look at this young man and knew he was something special. 
‘He carried himself with such kindness and confidence with a mouth that looked painful. I was struck by that.’ Boettcher was eating at Doo-Dah Diner in Wichita, Kansas, with his family when he called the restaurant’s owner, Timirie Shibley, to ask if he could pay for the dental work.

Maixner said: ‘This man doesn’t know me and this is something I could never afford to do for myself. It touched me so much that he cared.’
Doo-Dah Diner’s Shibley said Maixner is more than deserving of the gift. ‘He’s one of those employees you wish you had six of,’ she told His whole mission is to please people as quickly as possible and he laughs along the way. He’s a very hard worker.’
After Shibley told her star employee about Boettcher’s enormous tip, she says they both had a little cry before getting back to work. Source;
