Kenya To Build An Israeli-West Bank Like Wall On Border With Somali To Keep al-Shabaab Out

Photograph: Ben Curtis/AP
According to, Kenya is going to build a wall, not just any wall, but a “separation barrier”, to employ the euphemism coined by Israel to describe the towering, snaking structure that now separates it from Palestine’s West Bank.

Kenya’s version will be built along sections of its notoriously porous border with Somalia. A physical rendering in bricks, mortar and barbed wire of a line on the map.
“Construction works will begin soon. We expect to have finished the project before the end of the year,” said Lamu county governor Issa Timamy, as reported in the Daily Nation. Further details on the project are not yet forthcoming, and Lamu county have not responded to requests for comment.
All that is known is that the wall will be erected along the sections of border near ................................. Read More; TheGuardian 
