Nigeria Not In Top Ten Religious Countries In The World; How Religious Are You? UK Among Least In The List

Nigeria is nowhere to be found near top ten religious countries in the world as against claims. For those who thinks Nija is religious enough. Anyway back to the news proper;

 A new survey has just shown that United Kingdom is one of the least religious countries in the world. In a global ranking of 65 countries, the UK came six places from last with 30 per cent of the population calling themselves religious. While 53 per cent of people said they were ‘not religious’, just 13 per cent said they were a ‘convinced atheist’ and the remainder ‘did not know’. 

It compares to 94 per cent of people in Thailand who are religious and 93 per cent of people in Armenia, Bangladesh, Georgia and Morocco. At the bottom of the list was China where only 6 per cent of people say they are religious while 61 per cent say they are convinced atheists......Read Full Article Here
