Three Injured By Lightning Strike On America’s Biggest Nude Beach

A lightning strike that hit the water at Haulover Beach in Miami-Dade County, Florida, knocked two men unconscious and caused a third to go into cardiac arrest. Three men have been rushed to hospital after lightning struck America’s largest nude beach. The bolt hit Haulover Beach in Miami-Dade County, Florida, in the middle of the afternoon, knocking two men who were in the water unconscious.
A third man who was on the shore went into cardiac arrest. Lieutenant Matthew Sparling, from the MDFR Ocean Rescue, revealed  they had just closed the beach because of an earlier lightning strike when another bolt struck. He said  the electricity from the lightning bolt was the cause of the injuries
“We were in the process of clearing the area when the strike occurred,” he said. ”The lightning had dissipated throughout the water so the strike wasn’t a direct hit. “It was more hitting the water and electricity travelled through the water.”
An eyewitness on the beach said he didn’t realise anyone was injured at first. He told WSVN: “It looked like people were just relaxing in the water and I thought to myself, ‘Why are people just hanging out in the water after that happened?’ “But they were really kind of paralysed. “They couldn’t move, and then there was some guy face down in the water.” Two of the victims were hospitalised and are expected to recover, while the third was treated at a nearby trauma centre. YAHOO! NEWS
