British Foreign Policy Is In Crisis, Warn Senior Diplomatic Figures

British PM David-Cameron-At-The-EU
Britain is suffering a crisis of confidence in foreign policy that leaves it “sidelined in Syria, ineffective in Ukraine, unwilling in Europe, and inimical towards refugees”, a report by some of Britain’s most senior former diplomats, intelligence officers and foreign policy academics has warned.
As David Cameron prepares to issue a comprehensive list of the changes his government hopes to achieve as part of its EU renegotiation, the authors of the report also urge Britain to finally settle its relations with Europe.
In the analysis, they write: “Constantly fretting about the formal status of our association with the EU restricts what the UK can in practice achieve through that relationship. In, out, or semi-detached, the fact is that working in and with Europe is a necessary component of nearly every area of policy”.
The report – authored by senior establishment figures including the former head of the joint intelligence committee Lady Neville-Jones and the former British ambassador to Washington Sir Christopher Meyer – comes as Cameron intensified the EU debate by suggesting that national security could be at risk if Britain voted to leave.  Read More @ MSN News
