End Time! The World's First Vajiji Beauty Pageant By INSIGHTS I Elite Daily

Brian’s contest was designed to determine which vulvas men preferred. The guidelines had one major qualifier: No pubic hair. To be fair, this was more of a parameter than an indictment of misogyny (the scanning machine required a smooth texture), but it inherently restricted the results.

It was also the only rule in an otherwise lucid submission process, which simply required an applicant to post a picture with a piece of paper displaying #AutoblowVaginalBeautyContest. Such a casual approach resulted in a pretty big surprise the day of the scanning -- one of the finalists actually fabricated her submission.
The thing is, the results were irrelevant. By simply creating the contest, Brian Sloan had over a million people clicking through his website. The traffic nearly crashed its servers. Publications like The Daily Beast and The Gloss were deriding the contest as sexist. But even its staunchest critics conceded its brilliance as a marketing ploy.

Ultimately, Brian is less a sex expert than a businessman -- albeit a businessman in an industry where it’s not uncommon to lunch with a giant dildo on the table. Perhaps years in an industry where day-to-day operations are centered around subjects generally considered taboo would shift anyone's perception of normalcy. It would be accurate to describe a man who uses deli meat to describe a vulva as a misogynist. With Brian, maybe he's a weird guy in a weird industry.
Producer: Shawn Hazelett & Max Grunner
