Married Chinese Men Who Work Away From Home, Are Doing Some Incredible Things To Prevent Them From Cheating

Chinese men who work away from home are using the high-quality dolls – fitted with lifelike skin, adjustable hands, removable heads (not sure why) and genitals – to help them through those lonely nights and offer a more respectable alternative to adultery, viralthread reports.

Supposedly fornicating with a high-end, highly realistic and highly premium doll is not cheap. Automative designer Liu forked out over a months worth of wages (£1,400) to bag his voluptuousmodel. Although he says he is happily married. I suppose it’s more of an investment.

Liu told The Japan Times, “Honestly, it is very easy to just pay a little money to find a woman in China, but I simply cannot bring myself to cheat on my wife, so I have never considered it. As an industrial designer I can’t neglect the lack of realistic details, so I just used it a few times.

It’s not just men who are shopping for the pricey plastic dolls; the women are reportedly purchasing them on behalf of their husbands because they think it’s the moral option. A Beijing salesman, Yi Jiange, said, “If a married man refuses to see prostitutes and uses a doll instead, isn’t it admirable?”  Viral
Ladies in the house, would you for any reason buy that for your hubby?
