WOW! Feminist Blogger Bakes Doughnut-Bread With Yeast From Her Own Vagina. Mmmmm..... You Want Some?

I do not know how you like your bread or doughnut made. In any case, one feminist blogger likes doughnut but not just any doughnut! She like one made with yeast from hr vagina! How about that? She came up with an inventive and – ahem – pretty unconventional way of making food out of her own bodily secretions – using her own vaginal yeast, viralthread reports.

Wow! This is being highly resourceful and multitasking! There are billions of bread recipes out there all of which will use some sort of raising agent to make the dough rise. Yeast is a popular favorite.

To make a sourdough “starter” you need to use a dough in which the yeast is constantly reproducing, as a regular dose of flour is added. Many people will use store-bought yeast, although I’d probably just use store bought-bread. Zoe Stravi on the other hand, who tweets under the handle “Another angry woman”, uses her own yeast.

With mixed response from different people, she expressed her shock at some nasty comments; “I’d expected perhaps the odd ‘eww’ and maybe even an ‘I wouldn’t eat that that,’ but not this, the level of outright horror, as though I’d dismembered a litter of puppies and was posting selfies with a selfie-stick while doing it.”
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Credit; Viralthread
