First Lady Sting - By Charlie Boy!

Guys, you must have read or heard by now our President's answer when he was asked in the presence of other world leaders, in far away Germany, which party his wife, Aisha belongs to. He gave a classic "Aboki" answer, "I don't know what political party she belongs to but all I know is that she belongs to my kitchen, my room and other rooms"  whaaaat??!! Haba, some kin things just dey run belly.

My people, how many of una hear or read Aisha Buharis BBC interview. In that interview I could see a woman who has considered all her options and all consequences and is simply crying out for help because domestically things are perhaps not peaceful or that her husband's power and authority has been hijacked by the treacherous cabals who insist on making some of our Presidents (past and present)a mere figure head. The same cabal hijacked Goodluck Jonathan administration, an easy going man who was never wired for treachery and evil, in fact that one personally confessed to me himself that he is under siege by the Cabal.

People, there is fire on the mountain o!!!!!!

As far as I'm concerned if Buhari is not in charge, then who the heck is in charge of this derailing ship called Nigeria. I know that it is very lonely at the top. If you're a family man, you know how easy or difficult it is in running your family how much more a country/nation as big as Nigeria. Read More
